Ways to Help

Uganda is a nation largely made up of children:
51% of the population is under the age of 15.

Even if every dollar the world gave actually reached the African child in the form of food, clothing, and school supplies, the child might survive, but there is no assurance (s)he would not become an “adult victim” of poverty, AIDS, diseases, corruption, starvation, or countless other symptoms of a fallen world.

See ways you can help below.

The Three Types of Sponsorships

Change the Life of a Child Today!

Sponsor Now:

Choose a method for giving  your one-time or recurring monthly sponsorship:

Print & Mail

Tip: If you leave the child’s name and sponsorship type on the payment page blank, we’ll select the child with the greatest need.

How Your Donation is Used

General donations, whether one-time or recurring, are used to support our overall operations, such as to supplement ministry funds or help complete building projects. Here are a few of the many ways in which your donations are distributed to work for the Kamonkoli Village:

⋆ Orphanage
⋆ AWANA Clubs
⋆ Genesis Primary School ($200/yr)
⋆ Holm’s Medical Clinic
⋆ Christmas for a child ($30)
⋆ Women’s Ministry

Your general donation allows us to allot funds to community work where it is most needed.

Donate Now:

Choose a method for sending your one-time or recurring donation:

Print & Mail

If you would like to begin a recurring gift from your bank account rather than a credit card please contact us at 303-847-9522.

We no longer accept gifts through coloradogives or secure gives.  Please contact us if you need help transitioning your giving from one of these services.

Hines Ugandan Ministries is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization.