Age:    11       Grade:   Primary 5

Terah’s mother left 3 years ago to be a nanny in Saudi Arabia and has not been heard from since. Terah’s father worked at a construction company that failed during covid lockdowns and he has heart disease and AIDS which keeps him in bed most of the time.  He struggles to care for the basic needs of his 3 children and to send them to school.

As the first-born male in this family, Terah has a great deal of responsibility on his shoulders and will be expected to care for his siblings when his father passes away.  Though his father has struggled to pay for Terah’s younger siblings to attend school, he has managed to provide a consistent education for Terah so far. Tarah recently received a partial sponsor and is in need of a second one to fully meet his needs. Sponsorship will ensure Terah’s continuing education that will give him the abilities to eventually take on these responsibilities and offer hope for a meaningful future for him and his siblings.  Most importantly, sponsorship will teach him a Biblical world view with hope through Jesus Christ.

Sponsorship need:  $45/month


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