Age:    10     Grade: Primary 1

After losing her father in an accident at just 2 years of age and being abandoned by her mother, Jovia was left in the care of her grandmother, along with many cousins. However, after her grandmother’s passing, Jovia had to move to distant relatives in Kamonkoli, where the family struggled to make ends meet.  Despite these challenges, Jovia has found a new family of believers and they have encouraged her in her faith. She regularly attends our weekly Awana club and Sunday school, where she has been growing spiritually and is now able to share from the Bible.  Jovia also loves to sing in Sunday school.

Jovia has had a partial sponsor for some time and has been attending our Genesis Primary School where she is receiving a quality education and Biblical world view.  She needs a second partial sponsor to help us fully meet all her sponsorship needs, including education, medical and other basic needs.  Sponsorship is making a huge difference in Jovia’s life, raising her out of the cycle of poverty into which she was born and offering her what she will need to one day become a thriving, Jesus-loving adult.

Sponsorship need:  $45/month


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