Meet Katherine Hines

The Beginning of Hines Ugandan Ministries

As a youth, Katherine felt God’s calling on her life to minister to orphans and was drawn to the country of Uganda. She took the opportunity to visit the country in June 1994. She traveled alone under arrangement with The Africa Christian Training Institute, which she found through the Urbana Mission Conference in 1990.

The village of Kamonkoli (in eastern Uganda) particularly touched her heart and she found that there were at this time, no other missions serving in this area.  In July of 1995, Katherine returned to Kamonkoli to minister to the orphans, vulnerable children and widows of the community.  She began by working with the church and evangelizing, learning the culture and even working together with the local church on church planting.  She took in her first child to care for in September 1995, David Lunguba Kirya.  Within the first year, she had taken in a total of four children to care for.  

She officially founded Hines Ugandan Ministries (HUM) in 1999 and continues to serve the village as the Lord leads her and blesses the ministry.  She began with the children in her home and four others to start the sponsorship program. 

An Insight Into the Country

Learning More About Uganda

Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the world with a total population of around 46 million people.  It is estimated that 56% of this total population is below the age of 15, 70% is below the age of 22 and that leaves 30% above the age of 22.